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Empowering and Engaging Female Investors

Every week, we bring you a curated list of articles hand-picked by industry veteran Kristan Wojnar to help you grow your investment advisory practice. Follow our Practice Management Channel to differentiate yourself with new ideas and build enduring client relationships.

Women are key financial decision-makers and control a significant portion of wealth. This week we are looking at three great pieces to help you engage with your female clients and prospects. First up is a podcast that discusses women’s unique financial needs. Next, we have an article which emphasizes that talking to women about wealth management isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Our final piece reminds advisors to pay as much attention to their female clients as they do to their male clients.

Women face unique challenges in the world of finance. This podcast explores practical strategies to empower them with managing their finances and retirement planning.

By 2030, women are expected to own two-thirds of the personal wealth in the United States. Given this staggering statistic, your approach to working with women is important. This author says to drop the stereotypes. Keep reading for important ways to build lasting relationships.

As many as 70% of widows leave their financial advisor after their husband’s death. Why? Because they feel ignored by their advisor. This piece offers 5 questions to ask yourself about how well you know the backgrounds and money goals of your female clients. Take a look.