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Return 0.21% in 3 days By Trading This Metal Fabricator’s Upcoming Ex-Div

Thanks to the Biden administration, infrastructure is a hot topic for investors and Wall Street. With the President’s big spending plans now becoming law and additional bills on the table, stocks within the sector have seen their stars rise. And that includes the latest prospect on our Best Dividend Capture Stocks List.

Our pick is a producer of various steel structures which are needed in a variety of infrastructure applications. From transportation needs and bridge products to agriculture water pipelines and electric transmission towers, our pick has its hands in many of the subsectors of infrastructure, making it a top choice to play the bipartisan spending plans.

It also makes it a great play for those investors looking to capture quick income. A dividend capture strategy involves buying a stock before its ex-dividend date and selling it after it has recovered the payout. With an ex-dividend date of December 22, our pick is primed for the strategy as evident from its historical track record of recovering within an average of 3 days after going ex-dividend.

For investors looking for a quick total return of income and capital appreciation, our latest industrial pick has the potential to give you what you need.

You can check out the Best Dividend Capture Stocks List to explore all the stocks.

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